Mar 26, 2008

Photos from the brewery

While I was making the last post I thought it would be nice to show the photos from around the brewery, we are a small brewery not a large one like many success haters have lead you on about...

You can see the tops of the fermenters and the filling line. we have stuffed every sq ft of space as tightly as we could to maximize the use of our brewery...

Mar 22, 2008

Brewer of the Year

Ølfabrikken has been voted best brewer of the year according to a popular vote by Danish Ølentusiaster (Beer Enthusiasts)...

Of Course this award for me is bitter sweet, I would like to enjoy this award with Christian and GB, unfortunatly the sell off / buy out of Ølfabrikken to GB has caused some Ølfabrikken beer lovers to emotionally turn on the brand and GB. But as you can see the quality hasnt been an issue, winning brewer of the year and the fact that GB has brewed the Ølfabrikken beers since last April go to show that the beer has not been comprimised.

I would like to say congratulations to Christian for this award it is as much to his credit as the "new" Ølfabrikken (GB).

Link in Danish:

Ølfabrikken blev Årets Bryggeri. Ølfabrikken blev Årets Bryggeri i 2005, og nu er det altså sket igen. I mellemtiden er bryggeriet overtaget af GourmetBryggeriet, som har fortsat Ølfabrikkens linie med mange og meget specielle bryg. Det er da også stemmer spredt over utroligt mange forskellige øl der har givet Ølfabrikken titlen som Årets Bryggeri 2007.

Mar 12, 2008

Celebrating 10,000 reviews on Ratebeer

Saturday the 8th of March we had a special guest come and brew a small batch with us at Gourmet Bryggeriet / Ølfabrikken.

Jens Ungstrup celebrating his 10,000th documented beer rating on the infamous beer rating site, he is the first on ratebeer to reach so many ratings. As a brewer I have always respected Jens's ratings as they are thoughtful and honest. All 10,000 of them!

I have spent time with Jens seeing him on a rate rampage believe me he is very commited to seeking out new beer to rate, he is hardcore!

We promised to brew him a beer which strangely enough fell on Gourmet Bryggeriet's 1001th brew... so another milestone was passed that day as well. He asked for a smoked barley wine, thats what he got...

The beer ...

Grain bill:

330 kgs Pilsner malt

100 kg Weyermann Smoked malt

25 kg Castle malting's peated smoked malt

25 kg Thomas fawcett Crystal malt


Bittering (60 mins of boiling) 2 kg Chinook hops

Flavor / Aroma (15 mins) Mt. Hood hops


50 kg Brown sugar in kettle full.


Wyeast London Ale

Orginal Gravity: 24 plato

Final gravity (Still fermenting today it was down to 9 plato)

in the fermenter we put 1000 liters of cold wort.

I will update the beer as it is finishing up.

This beer will be given to Jens to celebrate how he likes! I hope Im invited to the party...
